[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ryopeko/Daioikachan-Client.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ryopeko/Daioikachan-Client) # NAME Daioikachan::Client - Client for Daioikachan # SYNOPSIS use Daioikachan::Client; my $client = Daioikachan::Client->new({ endpoint => 'http://daioikachan_endpoint.example.com/', }); # Send message to Daioikachan. $client->notice({ message => 'foo' }); # DESCRIPTION Daioikachan::Client is a client for Daioikachan. # INTERFACE ## Class Method ### `Daioikachan::Client->new($args) :Daioikachan::Client` Create and returns a new Daioikachan::Client instance. _$args_: - endpoint :Str Endpoint of Daioikachan server. You must specify a this parameter. - default\_channel :Str = #notify - headers :ArrayRef This parameter is used by Furl::HTTP request. - ua\_options :Hash or HashRef Options for Furl::HTTP->new. ## Instance Method ### `$client->notice($args) :Furl::Response` Send message to Daioikachan as notice. _$args_ - message :Str This parameter is used by send to Daioikachan. You must specify a this parameter. ### `$client->privmsg($args) :Furl::Response` Send message to Daioikachan as privmsg. _$args_ - message :Str This parameter is used by send to Daioikachan. You must specify a this parameter. # SEE ALSO https://github.com/sonots/daioikachan # LICENSE Copyright (C) ryopeko. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR ryopeko