
**Beta version**

Pgplot widget for Perl/Tk. This module is the perl front end to a port
of the pgplot Tcl/Tk driver to Perl/Tk. It uses the same basic X code
used by the Tcl/Tk and Motif drivers supplied with pgplot, and a
modified version of the Tcl/Tk code. Due to this dependency on X code,
it is unlikely to run on any OS that does not support X (ie Windows). 


- An ansi C compiler
- Standard X libraries
- A *modified* version of pgplot 5.2.2
- A Fortran 77 compiler (for pgplot)

 This has been tested with

   - Linux
	CentOS 5	gcc 4.1.1 / perl 5.8.7 / Tk-804.027


 - You *must* supply a patch to pgplot to include the Perl/Tk driver
   (see PGPLOT.patch).

 - Run 'perl Makefile.PL'. By default, Makefile.PL assumes the pgplot 
   includes and libraries are pointed to by the environment variable
   PGPLOT_DIR. You can override these defaults via command-line options,
   as shown below. You can also override the X11 library directory, if

  > perl Makefile.PL IDIR=<pgplot include file directory> LDIR=<pgplot library file directory>
  > make
  > make test
  > make install

 - The Caltech pgplot library
 - The Perl PGPLOT Module (available from CPAN)
 - The Perl Tk Module (available from CPAN)
 - The ExtUtils::F77 Module from CPAN (also needed by the Perl PGPLOT module)

 Please send comments and bug fixes to
 Russell Kackley, Joint Astronomy Centre, Hilo, HI

 Chris Phillips was the original author of this module (Tk-Pgplot-0.30)


Please see the driver documentation for options from the Tcl/Tk
version. However there is one difference in usage. The Tcl version
uses the Tcl name of the widget to identify the widget to pgopen. This
does not map well to perl, so an extra configure option has been
added, "name". The name given to the widget must be supplied to
pgopen(). E.g.

  use Tk;
  use Tk::Pgplot;
  use PGPLOT;
  my $mw = MainWindow->new;
  my $f = $mw->Frame();
  my $pgplot = $f->Pgplot(-name => 'mypgplot');

The supported options should work identically. See the included test
scripts for an example of usage.


- You cannot create a Pgplot widget directly in the MainWindow. It needs to
  be created within a Frame.
- the scroll bars don't work on the test program (but they do on the demo)


This module is copyright (C) 2000-2002 Chris Phillips.  All rights
reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This module is copyright (C) 2007 Science and Technology Facilities
Council.  All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.