# Zonemaster-CLI ## Purpose This Git repository is one of the components of the Zonemaster software and contains the source for the Zonemaster-CLI utility. For an overview of the Zonemaster software, please see the [Zonemaster repository]. ## Prerequisite Before you install the Zonemaster-CLI utility, you need the Zonemaster-Engine test framework installed. Please see the [Zonemaster Engine installation instructions] ## Installation For installation, see the [installation] document. ## Configuration This repository does not need any specific configuration. ## Docker Zonemaster-CLI is available on [Docker Hub], and can be conveniently downloaded and run without any installation. See [USING] Zonemaster-CLI for how to run Zonemaster-CLI on Docker. To build your own Docker image, see the [Docker Image Creation] documentation. ## Documentation Other than the installation documentation, no specific documentation is needed. The [USING] document provides an overview on how to use the CLI. ## Participation, Contact and Bug reporting For participation, contact and bug reporting, please see the main [Zonemaster README]. [Docker Image Creation]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/blob/master/docs/internal-documentation/maintenance/ReleaseProcess-create-docker-image.md [Docker Hub]: https://hub.docker.com/u/zonemaster [Installation]: docs/Installation.md [USING]: USING.md [Zonemaster Engine installation instructions]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster-engine/blob/master/docs/Installation.md [Zonemaster README]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster/blob/master/README.md [Zonemaster repository]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster