NAME Net::ICAP::Client - A client implementation of the ICAP (RFC 3507) protocol VERSION Version 0.07 SYNOPSIS use Net::ICAP::Client; my $icap = Net::ICAP::Client->new('icap://'); my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST' => '' ); my ( $headers, $body ) = $icap->request( $request ); if ($headers->isa('HTTP::Request') { # forward request to intended destination } elsif ($headers->isa('HTTP::Response') { # return response to original requestor } DESCRIPTION This module provides a client interface to an ICAP (RFC 3507) Server . ICAP Servers are designed to inspect and modify HTTP Request and Responses before the Request is passed to backend systems or the Response goes back to the user. SUBROUTINES/METHODS new my $icap = Net::ICAP::Client->new('icap://'); my $icap = Net::ICAP::Client->new('icaps://', SSL_ca_path => '/path/to/ca-bundle.crt', %other_IO_SSL_Socket_options); By default, the SSL_verifycn_scheme, SSL_verifycn_name and SSL_verify_mode parameters are automatically set for icaps URIs, but these parameters may be overridden. debug $icap->debug() accepts an optional debug value and returns the current debug value allow_204 $icap->allow_204() accepts an optional value to set whether the client will send an Allow: 204 and returns the current setting allow_preview $icap->allow_preview() accepts an optional value to set whether the client will send an Preview and returns the current setting agent $icap->agent() accepts an optional User Agent string and returns the current User Agent string server_allows_204 $icap->server_allows_204() returns true if the remote ICAP server can return a 204 (No modification needed) response. This method will issue an OPTIONS call to the remote server unless another OPTIONS call has been sent in the last ttl seconds. is_tag $icap->is_tag() returns the value of the remote ICAP server's ISTag header. This method will issue an OPTIONS call to the remote server unless another OPTIONS call has been sent in the last ttl seconds. service $icap->service() returns the value of the remote ICAP server's Service header. This method will issue an OPTIONS call to the remote server unless another OPTIONS call has been sent in the last ttl seconds. ttl $icap->ttl() returns the value of the remote ICAP server's Options-TTL header. This method will issue an OPTIONS call to the remote server unless another OPTIONS call has been sent in the last ttl seconds. max_connections $icap->max_connections() returns the value of the remote ICAP server's Max-Connections header. This method will issue an OPTIONS call to the remote server unless another OPTIONS call has been sent in the last ttl seconds. preview_size $icap->preview_size() returns the value of the remote ICAP server's Preview header. This method will issue an OPTIONS call to the remote server unless another OPTIONS call has been sent in the last ttl seconds. uri $icap->uri() returns the current URI of the remote ICAP server as a URI object. request my $icap = Net::ICAP::Client->new('icap://'); my $request_headers = HTTP::Headers->new(); my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST' => "", $request_headers, "name2=value2" ); my ( $request_or_response_headers, $filehandle_containing_possibly_updated_body ) = $icap->request( $request, $filehandle_containing_request_body ); $icap->request() expects an HTTP::Request object and an optional filehandle. It will return an HTTP::Request or an HTTP::Response object containing the request or response without the body and a filehandle containing the body. response my $icap = Net::ICAP::Client->new('icap://'); my $response = HTTP::Response->new( '200', 'OK' ); my ( $response_headers, $filehandle_containing_possibly_updated_body ) = $icap->response( $optional_request_or_undef, $response, $filehandle_containing_response_body ); $icap->response() expects an HTTP::Request object (if available), an HTTP::Response object and an optional filehandle. It will return an HTTP::Response object containing the response without the response body and a filehandle containing the response body. AUTHOR David Dick, DIAGNOSTICS Failed to write to icap server at %s Failed to write to the remote icap server. Check network status. Failed to write to STDERR Failed to write to STDERR. Check local machine settings. Incorrectly formatted debug line A debug call was made without being prefixed with a '>> ' or '<< '. This is a bug in Net::ICAP::Client Failed to connect to %s on port %s The connection to the remote icap server failed. Check network/SSL/TLS settings and status Failed to read from %s Failed to read from the remote icap server. Check network status Failed to seek to start of temporary file Failed to do a disk operation. Check disk settings for the mount point belonging to where temp files are being created Failed to seek to start of content handle Failed to do a disk operation. Check disk settings for the mount point belonging to the file that are passed into the request/response method ICAP Server returned a %s error The remote ICAP server returned an error. The TCP connection to the remote ICAP server will be automatically disconnected. Capture the network traffic and enter a bug report Failed to parse chunking length This is a bug in Net::ICAP::Client Unable to parse Encapsulated header The remote ICAP server did not return an Encapsulated header that could be understood by Net::ICAP::Client. Capture the network traffic and enter a bug report Unable to parse ICAP header The remote ICAP server did not return an ICAP header that could be understood by Net::ICAP::Client. Capture the network traffic and enter a bug report Failed to read from content handle Failed to do a disk operation. Check disk settings for the mount point belonging to the file that are passed into the request/response method CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT Net::ICAP::Client requires no configuration files or environment variables. DEPENDENCIES Net::ICAP::Client requires the following non-core modules HTTP::Request HTTP::Response IO::Socket::INET IO::Socket::SSL URI INCOMPATIBILITIES None reported BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-icap-client at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Net::ICAP::Client You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 David Dick. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.